Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tubeless Endomorph

And in the end a pretty easy conversion to tubeless. I used the ghetto style with 20x3 inch BMX inner tubes from Schwalbe. I went for Schrader valves as last year - it's easy to get a cheap, accurate gauge for car type valves. I used an expensive quantity of 3M double sided foam tape.

My bike has Uma 2 rims. I used one wrap of duct tape, one wrap of 50mm x 1.5mm double sided foam tape as a base then an extra 2 wraps each side of 19mm x 1.5mm double sided foam tape. In effect I brought the sides up by 4.5mm and the middle by 1.5mm. If I was trying to do this again, I think the middle wrap is the most important because until you get this in place it's hard to inflate, even with a compressor.

You can still fit the tyre by hand but once on the tyre will not spin around the rim; even though it's in the low centre of the rim the foam makes it too tight to spin. After that a track pump and some soap and water were enough to set the beads. I unscrewed the valve core and added 180ml of Stan's sealant per tyre. Contrary to what I've heard on the web, my Endomorph's were already almost airtight. One 'Shake and rotate' sequence was enough to have them all sealed up.

I've taken them for a spin at 8psi/12psi. I'll lower that then do some experiments on the sand to see if they burp.

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